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Greetings and Welcome!

I bought this domain name awhile ago and installed all the technical things to get started and build. Yet, was pondering what to write – where to begin. Caught up in mind chatter and perfectionism it took quite awhile to say, “Just get started… Be Courageous – Take a step forward and come from your heart”. Does that ever happen to you?

Sometimes we get stuck in moving forward because of change and feelings of “are we good enough”.

Being stuck and having emotions that are “stuffed” and not dealt with can cause dis-ease. Having gone and still going through some health challenges I’ve decided to put myself out there in the hopes I can help others through this journey.

It’s time to release the past and venture forth into the NOW! Creating an energetic shift to NEW Possibilities.

Learning to Live with Joy & Passion with no expectation / insistence for the outcome.

Heartfelt Blessings.
